Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday 27 June, 2009

The seeds of the Celebrate Recovery movement at Faith Alive are starting to take sprout. A morning meeting with Dr. Obindo & Naiomi (Faith Alives Representatives) set in motion the start of our Conference that will run for 4 days starting Monday. A surprise invitation for Jeff Redmond to appear on a local television program has brought a flood of participants. We expect more than 100 people to attend. Pray for God to work in mighty ways in the lives of these leaders who will take to program into the local communities. We will report our progress, thanks for your support....


  1. We here, at home, are so blessed through hearing the work you all are doing in Jos. We are praying for you and your continued efforts.
    Is Becca feeling better?

  2. Go dad Go!!!
    Steve please pass on my love to my dad!!!
    Also couod you add some pictures???
    Praying for you guys!
